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Moving On Up / the transition to native PowerPC software
Your favorite applications are changing. As you read this, programmers are busily converting the applications you use every day, tuning them to take advantage of the Power Mac's PowerPC 601 processor. We called the leading Mac-software vendors to find out when they plan to release native PowerPC versions of their applications. Some gave us exact target dates and some gave general time frames such as spring or summer -- for many, "spring" means within 30 days after the first Power Macs appear. "No firm plans" means the vendor has not yet decided when it will release a Power Mac version. / Patty Ames
Company Application Ship date
Abacus Concepts StatView summer
ACI US 4D First summer
4D Server spring
4D Write/4D Calc March
4th Dimension summer
Object Master series March
Adobe Adobe Type Manager summer
Illustrator spring
Photoshop summer
Premiere spring
Type Reunion no plans
AG Group EtherPeek/LocalPeek March
Aladdin Systems StuffIt Deluxe spring
StuffIt InstallerMaker March
StuffIt Lite spring
StuffIt SpaceSaver spring
Aldus Fetch summer
FreeHand spring
PageMaker spring
Persuasion 1994
Alias Sketch! spring
Apple At Ease no firm plans
Apple Media Tool spring
Apple Remote Access no firm plans
Apple Remote Access Server no firm plans
AppleSearch server no firm plans
AppleShare server no firm plans
HyperCard no firm plans
PhotoFlash May
Ashlar Ashlar Vellum March
auto*des*sys form*Z March
Berkeley Systems After Dark no firm plans
Blyth Software Omnis 7 no firm plans
Byte by Byte Sculpt 3D/4D March
CE Software QuicKeys no firm plans
QuickMail no firm plans
Central Point Software MacTools March
Claris ClarisImpact spring
ClarisWorks March
FileMaker Pro no firm plans
MacWrite Pro spring
Computer Associates all products no firm plans
Connectix CDU summer
RAM Doubler summer
CoSA After Effects no firm plans
Crosswise Face To Face summer
Dantz Development Retrospect/Retrospect Remote March
Dayna Communications ProFiles March
DeltaPoint DeltaGraph Pro 3 March
Deneba Canvas summer
DesignCAD DesignCAD no firm plans
Diehl Graphsoft Azimuth no firm plans
Blueprint no firm plans
MiniCAD March
Electric Image ElectricImage Animation System summer